WHOMST is comedy meets nightlife with hosts Melissa Rich and Ben Leary, two comedian/socialites who love to go out. Warehouse parties, illegal bridge raves, VIP tables at upscale hotels - they’ve seen it all. And they want to bring all that experience into their very own comedy event, a loving parody of all things nightlife. The goal is to create an immersive, club-like experience as WHOMST answers the questions “Who Is?” and “Who Are?” in the scene with the help of some very funny guests.
Julio Torres
Allison O'Conor
Francesca D'Uva
Ryan Leach
Annabel & Sabina Meschke
7:30pm Doors / 8:00pm Show
$12 ADV / $15 DOS
Ages 21+
***All patrons are required to provide proof of vaccination to attend.