A night of hilarious stand-up comedy featuring a diverse lineup of the most talented women and LGBTQ+ comedians in New York City. This month’s spectacular show features:
Dylan Adler (Comedy Central)
Bailey Pope ("Fun Gutter")
Anne Stesney (Broadway Comedy Club)
Ellington Berg (Brooklyn Comedy Collective)
Katherine Gorham ("Garden Party" Comedy)
The titular gay hosts, Ryan Curcie and Carson Mlnarik (MTV, Logo), began producing “2 Gays, 1 Mic” as a comedy open-mic in Bushwick during the summer of 2021. The duo is thrilled for audiences to experience their favorite up-and-coming and established comics of the New York City comedy scene.
8:00pm Doors / 8:30pm Show
$12 ADV / $15 DOS
Ages 21+
***All patrons are required to provide proof of vaccination to attend.